Upcoming Events
Arts and Crafts Night
Date: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
Time: 7-9 P.M.
Location: Olson 251
Join us alongside Women Machinists’ Club (WMC) and Women in Computer Science (WICS) at the upcoming Arts and Craft Night. We will be doing arts and craft activities such as making friendship bracelets and clay keychains! This is a great opportunity to meet new engineering students while doing something fun.
Please RSVP with the link below so we can prepare supplies and snacks to bring!
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/FadaKxTACgBR1JMY7
Winter Quarter First General Meeting
Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
Time: 7 P.M.
Location: TLC 3214!
Welcome back SWEsters! Hope you had a wonderful Winter break. Come join us for our first general meeting of winter quarter for food and information on upcoming events! Please RSVP to our event so we have enough food for everyone. We hope to see you there💜
Turner Construction Info Session
SWE X ASCE X Construction Management X CALESS
Date: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
Time: 6 P.M.
Location: TLC 2215!
Hi SWEsters! This is an exciting new event! Join us at TLC 2215 on Wednesday 11/2024 to learn more from representatives visiting from Turner. Make sure to RSVP!
Keysight Info Session
Date: Monday, November 18th, 2024
Time: 6 P.M.
Location: TLC 1010
Hi SWEsters! Join us for an info session with software and electronic manufacturing company Keysight Technologies and hear about their current job and internship openings! Please make sure to RSVP.
Deloitte Online Info Session
Date: Monday, October 17th, 2024
Time: 5 P.M.
Location: Online!
SWEsters! Learn more from Deloitte representatives about current openings and what engineers can do in consulting! They will also close with some resume tips.
RSVP Link: https://tinyurl.com/DeloitteInfoSess
Zoom Link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/2943955129
Personal Brand Workshop with Danaher
Date: Monday, October 14th, 2024
Time: 6-7 P.M.
Location: Wellman 2
Get ready for our first collab with WICS by attending a Personal Brand Workshop hosted by Dahaher. They will go over why a personal brand is important as students prepare to go into the workforce. Network and get feedback on your LinkedIn profile! Hope to see you there.
RSVP Link: https://tinyurl.com/danaherworkshop
1st Fall Quarter General Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2024
Time: 7-8 P.M.
Location: Wellman 202
Hi SWEsters! Come join us for our first general meeting of the year. Learn more about our club and meet our new board of officers. Food will be provided.
Hope to see you there!
RSVP Link: https://tinyurl.com/UCDSWEGM1
SWE at the Involvement Fair
Date: Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Time: 12-4 P.M.
Location: MU Quad
Hey SWEsters, come by and visit our booth at the Involvement Fair to learn more about SWE and out upcoming events.
Hope to see you there!
Evening with Industry
Date: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
Time: 5-7 P.M.
Location: ARC Ballroom A
Hey SWEsters, we will be hosting our annual Evening with Industry (EWI) on April 24th from 5-7p.m. at the ARC Ballroom A. EWI is a SWE event that allows students of all engineering and technical disciplines together with prospective employers for a night of networking, dining, and the enhancement of potential careers. Everyone is welcomed! If you are interested in joining us for this fun evening, please fill out the RSVP form and pay the $15 student fee by April 17th at 11:59 p.m. Dinner will be provided!
Buy tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/EWItickets2024
RSVP Link: https://tinyurl.com/EWIrsvp2024
SWE X BMES Penumbra Info Session
Date: April 18th
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Location: Olson 146
Are you interested in the medical device industry? Join SWE and BMES to hear from engineers at Penumbra to hear about their experiences working in industry! Engineers from Penumbra will be hosting a presentation about the company, discussing their journey and experience at Penumbra, and giving advice and tips about how to get into industry! There will also be a Q&A session afterwards!
RSVP Link: https://tinyurl.com/SWExBMESPenumbraEvent
SWE 2024-2025 Elections
Application Period March 25th-April 15th
Interview Period: April 29th-May 4th
Results released on May 6th
Hey SWEsters, are you interested in becoming more involved with SWE? Do you want to gain leadership experience? Would you like to meet other wonderful and inspiring women in engineering? Apply to join the SWE Board for 2024-2025! The Application Period is from March 25th-April 15th. Please fill out the application at link below! More info regarding the SWE elections in our bio! Everyone is welcomed to apply!
Application link: tinyurl.com/SWEApps2024
SWE Apps: https://tinyurl.com/SWEApps2024
SWE Election Info: https://tinyurl.com/SWEElectionsInfo2024
SWE Officer Roles/Descriptions: https://tinyurl.com/SWEOfficers2024
Winter Quarter General Meeting
Jan 23, 2023 8pm-9pm
Apple Interview Workshop
Thurs, Nov 2, 2023 5pm-6pm
Hi SWEsters! We have an exciting virtual event coming up with Apple, on Thursday November 2nd from 5 - 6 PM. Join us as representatives discuss how to prepare for interviews and “crafting your pitch”, followed by a Q&A session. We are really excited about this event with such a huge company, and we’re excited to see you there! Submit your questions and RSVP at the link in bio.
RSVP link: https://forms.gle/nzHDrZuRgcKnvnAz9
Webex link: https://tinyurl.com/SWExApple23
Keysight Technologies Info Session
Thurs, Oct 19, 2023 6pm-7pm
Hey SWEsters! Come to TLC 1214 on Thursday Oct. 19th from 6-7 PM for an info session with software and electronic manufacturing company Keysight Technologies and hear about their current job and internship openings! They will also be performing some demonstrations. We will be serving pizza! We can’t wait to see you there! Please make sure to RSVP.
CDM Smith LinkedIn Workshop
Tues, Oct 17, 2023 7:30pm-8:30pm
Hi SWEsters! This is an exciting new event! Come to Olson 101 on Tuesday, October 17th from 7:30 - 8:30 PM to our first ever Linkedin Workshop! Representatives from CDM Smith, an engineering and construction company, will go through how to strengthen your Linkedin profile and how to catch the eye of employers. The representative will also be collecting your resumes to review, use the link below to register and send her your resume! We will also be serving cookies! Please RSVP with the link below. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
RSVP: tinyurl.com/CDMSLinkedin
Resume: https://cdmsmith.recsolu.com/app/collect/event/jZJEdY3HC67-hyzSRqMtkw
Deloitte Info
Tues, Oct 10, 2023 7pm-8pm
Hello SWEsters!
This is our first industry event of the year! Join us on Tuesday, October 10th from 7-8 PM for a virtual info and interview prep session with consulting company Deloitte, followed by a Q&A with the representatives. Learn about Deloitte’s current openings, what engineers can do in consulting, and how to strengthen your interviewing skills. The RSVP and Zoom link are listed below. We can’t wait to see you there!
RSVP: https://forms.gle/6wTBQhbu7Fy4rfYZ9
Zoom: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/98406033041
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at sweofficers@ucdavis.edu.

Hey SWEsters, WE23 is happening this October!
WE23 is a three-day conference hosted by the National Society of Women Engineers. Through this event, individuals have the opportunity to engage in networking, gaining career insights, and connecting with industry leaders on innovation. This event will be held on-site at the Los Angeles Convention Center from October 26-28. There is also a virtual option as well!
If any SWE members would like to join us in going to the conference, please fill out the Google Form to be considered to go by Wednesday, September 27th! The Google Form is: https://tinyurl.com/ucdwe23signup. Link is also in the bio!
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at sweofficers@ucdavis.edu.

Women in STEM Panel - Day 2: Women in Research/Graduate Programs
The second day of our Women in STEM panel for women in research/graduate programs will be on Zoom on Wednesday, May 24th from 6-7pm. It will consist of a short synopsis/introduction from the panelists about their work and background and towards the end an interactive Q&A session. This is a great opportunity to learn from women who have years of experience in the field and gain more insight into what post-grad life looks like! Let us know which questions you'd like our panelists to answer. Make sure to RSVP using this link: Women in STEM Panel Day 2 RSVP
Women in STEM Panel Day 2 ZOOM LINK
Meeting ID: 919 0469 5223
Passcode: 051065

Women in STEM Panel - Day 1: Women in Industry
Every year, SWE hosts a Women in STEM panel where we highlight the incredible work women have done in the field and the journeys they have taken to get to where they are today!
The first panel will be on Zoom this Tuesday, May 23rd from 6-7:30pm. It will consist of a short synopsis/introduction from the panelists about their work and background and towards the end an interactive Q&A session. This is a great opportunity to learn from women who have years of experience in the field and gain more insight in what post-grad life looks like!
RSVP with the link: Women in STEM Panel Day One RSVP

2nd Spring Quarter General Meeting
We will be having our second general meeting of the quarter next Monday, May 15th at 7 PM, on Zoom. Join us using the link to learn about what we have coming up, and play some games for a chance to win a gift card! Hope to see you all there ☺️💘

Big Sis/Lil Sis Social
It's time for our first social of Spring Quarter! We will have a nice bonding activity (Bingo). There will be three rounds and gift cards for the winner of each round! We will also have Cinnamon Buns and drinks. RSVP with the QR code or link in bio so that we know how many materials we need!
Room: TLC 1212
Hope to see you all there!

SWE '23 - '24 Board Election Voting
Hi SWEsters, it’s election week! As a SWE UCD member, you serve as a crucial part of choosing who will be part of the SWE 2023-2024 board! Please vote for the individual who you believe will best fit the specific officer role. The deadline to submit your votes is May 12th 11:59PM.
Here is the link: SWE Board Elections '23-'24 Voting

SWE '23-'24 Board Elections
Hello SWEsters! Election season is here! We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic leaders to take over as the SWE board for the 2023-2024 school year! Please answer the questions below if you are interested in being an officer. You will not be applying for one specific role, but rather choosing your top 3 preferences for officer roles. The form will close on Friday, May 5th at 11:59 PM, please submit before then! Information about voting will be released closer to the date. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Good luck everyone!
Here’s the link for the form: https://forms.gle/E4zExhGVj5PiFPc38

Interview Basics Workshop
We have an interview basics workshop coming up this week on Zoom! The workshop is this Thursday, May 4th at 6:30 PM, hope to see you there!

Evening With Industry
Come join us for our Evening with Industry event happening on Tuesday, April 25th from 5-7pm at the ARC Ballroom A. Evening with Industry is an event that brings talented students of all engineering and technical disciplines together with prospective employers for a night of networking, dining, and the enhancement of potential careers.
This event is open to all students! There is a student fee of $15 to enter the event and can be paid using the link in our bio. If you are unable to make this payment but would like to go to the event, please contact us at sweofficers@ucdavis.edu!
Please RSVP by Friday, April 14th at 11:59 p.m. by using the Google Form in our bio or by using:

First Spring Quarter General Meeting
Join Society of Women Engineers for the first general meeting of Spring Quarter. Our club advisor will be announcing the Past President Award for this year, and we will be going over industry and related events happening this quarter.
There will be a fun game where you can win gift cards! We'll also have some donuts and Capri Suns for you to take!
Date: Monday, April 17
Time: 7pm-8pm
Room : Wellman 126
Hope to see you there!

ArsenalBio Presentation and Q&A
We’re starting out fast with an industry event on April 6th from 5-6 PM. Join employees of biotech company ArsenalBio as they speak about their experiences and give advice for students! The event will be on zoom with the link in bio, and we encourage you to fill out the form if you want to be contacted by the company with more information!
Finals Study Session
We’re nearing the end of Winter Quarter and we know how stressful that is! Come join us for a Finals Study Session on Monday March 13, from 7:30pm-8:30pm, at TLC 1218. There will be chips, soft cookies, and drinks provided (there are also lots of whiteboards and markers in the room). We hope to see many of you there!

Mock Interviews With PepsiCo
Come join PepsiCo for a great networking and skill-building event! This will be a great opportunity for students looking for an internship or full-time role to network one-on-one with representatives from PepsiCo and learn more about the role. It will also help students sharpen their interviewing skills by practicing some interviewing questions and receiving real-time feedback to help them feel more prepared for future interviews and what employers are looking for. The event will be at 6:30 PM on Zoom, please make sure to RSVP! We hope to see you all THERE!
RSVP: Mock Interview Workshop with PepsiCo RSVP
Zoom Link: Mock Interview with PepsiCo Zoom
Password: 630214

Second General Meeting
It's time for our second general meeting of Winter Quarter 2023! Our meeting will be on Monday March 6, from 7:30pm-8:30pm in TLC 1218. We will be going over some events for the rest of Winter Quarter, as well as an introduction to Project Aspire and how you can help!
Food will be provided, but please RSVP with the link in bio to make sure that we have enough food for everybody. pop We hope to see many of you there!
RSVP: SWE 2nd General Meeting WQ '23 RSVP

Mead & Hunt Info Session
Join us at our upcoming Mead and Hunt info session on February 28th at 6 PM in 1330 Walker Hall! Mead & Hunt is a national, full-service architectural and engineering firm that has been serving clients for well over a century. They continue to shape the future by putting people first.
Monica (an EIT in their One Water Group) and Jori (a Structural Engineer in their Architecture and Building Engineering Group) are excited to share a bit about our services, company culture, what they do as engineers, and what they love about their jobs. Free pizza will be provided for those who RSVP!
Please RSVP here: Mead & Hunt Info Session RSVP

The Women's Network x SWE Speaker Event
We will be hosting a speaker event with Diane Bryant in collaboration with The Women’s Network at UC Davis during E-week! Join us in hearing her journey as a woman in tech and ask questions about your own journey! The event will be on Zoom on February 23 from 5-6 PM.

SWE E-Week: Tea With SWE
Our final event during E-Week is Tea with SWE! Come meet our board over some refreshing beverages to learn about what we do and how we can help you, and also ask questions about upcoming events! We hope to see you February 22 from 6-7 PM (right after bowling), and don’t forget your mug!

SWE x BMES Bowling Social
This E-week, we’re collaborating with BMES to bring you a fun bowling social in the MU Games Area. Join us on February 22nd from 4-6 PM to learn more about the two organizations and hang out with fellow engineers!

Galentine's Day Social
Happy Valentine’s Day! We are planning an awesome cookie decorating AND bracelet making social to celebrate love and friendship! We'll be having our Galentine's Day Social on Monday February 13th, from 7:30-8:30pm at TLC 3210. Come join us for a fun night!

Big Sis/Lil Sis Social
Our next Big Sis/Lil Sis social is coming up, where we’ll be mingling while making mini canvas paintings. Unleash your inner Picasso with us on February 6th from 6-7 PM in TLC 2218! Hope to see you all there!

ICC Workshop: Internships and Student Jobs
We have a wonderful workshop coming up! Join us in Hart 1150 on February 1st at 6:30 PM to learn about internships and student jobs. Food will be included, and we hope to see you there!

FAST Enterprises Resume Review Workshop
Fast Enterprises has been recognized as Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, as well as a Great Place to Work® for Millennials, Technology, and Diversity! We are excited for you to join us on January 25th from 6-7pm at TLC 3214 for a presentation with all things you’ll need to know about building your resume. We will be giving our tips for the best resume and taking a look at some resumes to see where they could be improved so bring a copy of your resume! We highly encourage you to attend if you are interested in knowing what employers look for in resumes and how to make it stand out.
Please RSVP here: FAST Enterprises RSVP Google Form

Winter '23 First General Meeting
Our first general meeting of winter quarter is coming up at 7:30 PM on January 18th in Wellman 230! We will be having either pizza/donuts at the meeting! We will have a brief introduction of our officers, announce some of the events we have planned for this quarter, and play a fun game of charades. We will also be posting the meeting slides on our weekly newsletter the week after the meeting. Everyone is welcome!

PG&E Info Session
PG&E is doing an info session on 11/17 at 7 PM on Zoom! Come learn about paid summer 2023 engineering internships, post-graduate engineering roles and an exciting career in the utility industry! Come meet PVAMU alumni from PG&E, ask questions and sign up for a cool swag bag give away!

Resume Workshop
Looking for an opportunity to improve your resume? Join us for our resume workshop on November 16th at 7 PM in TLC 3214! Learn some tips and have your resume reviewed with us to make sure you’re making the best first impression. See you there!

Second Fall '22 General Meeting
Our second general meeting is almost here! It’s going to be on Tuesday, November 15 from 7:30 to 8:30 PM in the TLC 2215 and on Zoom. Join us for some snacks and competitive games during the meeting! RSVP using the QR code!

Pepsico Industry Event
Do you want to stand out as a career professional just like Lays, Doritos, and Pepsi cans stand out on a shelf? Please join us on October 26th at 7 pm on Zoom to learn more about how to "build your brand", featuring PepsiCo professionals Hillary Husband & Holland Pollard!

Pumpkin Painting Social
Happy Halloween SWEsters! Our first social of the year is coming up fast, where we’ll be painting mini pumpkins and holding a costume contest. Come join us and meet the other wonderful women in engineering on our campus while expressing your creativity! The social will be on October 25th from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM! 🎃🎃🎃

Gender Bias Seminar
The Gender Bias Seminar will be hosted this Thursday from 7:30-8:30PM at Olson 106! We will be discussing our roles and how to engage in mitigating gender bias. Hope to see you guys there!